Why Trust WinsList? Each product has been selected by our editors. Some may have been sent as samples, but all opinions in this article are our own. If you buy through our links, we may receive a commission.

Learn more about each Robot Vacuum

How We Chose:

It's tough to keep your house clean with a busy schedule.

House cleaning can be really time-consuming and frustrating, especially when you have pets or kids.

Robot vacuum cleaners are a great answer! Not only do they help you clean your floors quickly and easily, but many of them are also designed to pick up pet hair, so you can keep your house looking its best without lifting a finger. We have narrowed down the best robot vacuum cleaners for you, based on features, Cleaning specialties, price, and test review performances to help you find the best robot vacuum cleaner for your needs!

iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550)

Who It's Best For

Looking for a powerful, efficient, and easy-to-use vacuum cleaner? Look no further than the iRobot Roomba s9+! This top-of-the-line vacuum cleaner is perfect for busy families or anyone who wants to keep their home clean with minimal effort.

The Roomba s9+ is extremely easy to set up – simply charge it and press the power button, and it's ready to go. It does an excellent job of picking up dirt, dust, and other debris, thanks to its powerful suction. And if you have any pets, you'll appreciate that the Roomba s9+ comes with a self-emptying bag, so you don't have to worry about constantly emptying the dustbin.

Best of all, the Roomba s9+ creates a map of your home as it cleans, so it can optimize its cleaning pattern for maximum efficiency. After a few runs, you'll never have to worry about vacuuming again!

Why It's Great

iRobot's Roomba s9+ is one of the most advanced robotic vacuums on the market. It features a 3-Stage Cleaning System that effectively lifts, loosens, and eliminates debris and pet hair from deep within your carpets. The s9+ also features a Clean Base Automatic Dirt Disposal that allows the unit to empty itself for up to 60 days. In addition, the s9+ uses iRobot's innovative vSLAM navigation system. This system enables the s9+ to learn the layout of your home and build personal Smart Maps.

As a result, the s9+ can expertly clean and navigate in neat, efficient rows. iRobot's Roomba s9+ is the perfect solution for busy pet owners. The advanced sensors and Corner Brush allow the s9+ to clean deep into corners and along edges, where pet hair likes to hide. And with 30% wider Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes, tangles are a thing of the past.

It also features a high-efficiency filter that traps 99% of cat and dog allergens, making it ideal for homes with pets. Plus, a simple request to your voice assistant* or via the iRobot Home app enables the s9+ to clean messes for you, right when they happen. And finally, Roomba and Braava jet teamed up to vacuum and then mop automatically in perfect sequence. So if you're looking for a hassle-free way to keep your home clean, look no further than iRobot's Roomba s9+.

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Who It's Best For

The ILIFE V80 Max is a powerful robotic vacuum cleaner that does an amazing job of cleaning your floors. Whether it's hardwood or tile, the V80 Max does an excellent job of picking up dirt and debris. 

It also does a great job of cleaning under beds and other furniture. With a large capacity dust bin, you won't have to worry about emptying it frequently.

Why It's Great

ILIFE's V80 Max is a versatile and high-performing mopping vacuum robot cleaner that comes standard with a 750ml dustbin and a 300ml water tank. The V80 Max is perfect for vacuuming and mopping hardwood, tile, and stone floors. 

The smart vacuum's floating design, tangle-free roller brush, and anti-collision & anti-dropping sensors make it easy to use and maneuver. As a result, the V80 Max can clean your floors more efficiently in less time.

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iRobot Roomba i7 (7150)

Who It's Best For

The Roomba i7 is designed to thoroughly clean both hard and soft surfaces. It will circle around chairs and bed legs to make sure every nook and cranny is cleaned. 

If you have any partially closed doors in your home, don't worry - the Roomba i7 will push them open so it can vacuum under them. It's even clever enough to push lightweight shoes around to clean under them! Plus, the built-in HEPA filter leaves no dust smell in the air.

And what about those tight spaces and tangled electrical cords? The Roomba i7 is very intelligent and does a great job of extricating itself from narrow spaces. So you can rest assured that your home will be completely clean - top to bottom, and side to side.

Why It's Great

iRobot Roomba i7 (7150) is a great vacuum, especially for those with pets just like the more current s9+ (9550) model. One of its best features is the Dual Multi-Surface Rubber Brushes. These brushes adjust and flex to stay in constant contact with carpets and hard floors, which is great for picking up pet hair.

The i7 also has a High-Efficiency Filter that traps 99% of cat and dog dander allergens. And if that's not enough, the i7 also has Alexa voice assistant capabilities. With Alexa, you can schedule cleanings, get recommendations during pollen and pet-shedding seasons, and more.

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Shark RV1001AE IQ

Who It's Best For

Looking for a top-quality vacuum cleaner to handle mostly hardwood floors or linoleum? Then the Shark RV1001AE IQ is a great choice! This reliable and powerful vacuum cleaner can clean about 95% of your floors and is great for picking up hair and larger debris. 

Plus, it's easy to use and adjust your cleanliness behaviors with the included settings. If you have allergies, this vacuum is also a great option as it picks up a ton of dust.

Why It's Great

Shark's bagless, self-emptying base Shark RV1001AE IQ Robot vacuum has a self-emptying base that holds up to 45 days of dirt and debris. 

It deeply cleans large debris, small debris, and pet hair. In addition, it maps your home and lets you choose which rooms to clean right now. Shark's IQ Robot vacuum will also return to the dock, recharge, and can pick up where it left off.

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Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751

Who It's Best For

The Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751 is a great choice for anyone looking for a basic, entry-level robot vacuum. It has great suction on hardwood floors, making it good for homes with not much carpeting. 

The machine is also lightweight and maneuvers easily, making it a great option for those who are budget-conscious.

Why It's Great

Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751 Weighs 9.23 pounds and has a 120 MINUTE RUNTIME. Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751 also comes with Shark's Tri-Brush System. This product is great for people on a budget and looking for an entry-level robot vacuum cleaner. 

Overall the Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751 can still help to improve the quality of your home especially if you have hardwood floors and would just prefer an entry-level robot vacuum to help you to do less cleaning.

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Robot Vacuum FAQs

Vacuuming is a chore that nobody really enjoys, but it needs to be done.

It's tough to keep your home clean when you're always short on time. Between work, errands, and taking care of your family, there never seems to be enough hours in the day.

A quality robot vacuum can take care of this for you. These vacuums will make cleaning up quick and easy so you can spend more time relaxing and doing the things you love.

Which robot vacuum cleaner is the best?

There are a lot of different robot vacuum cleaners on the market, and it can be tough to decide which one is the best for you. Some of the factors you'll want to consider include the size of your home, the type of flooring you have, and how much money you're willing to spend. However, our all-around top pick was the iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550).

Is a vacuum robot worth it?

We believe a vacuum robot can definitely be worth it if you have pets or a lot of dust. They make the daily cleaning of your floors so much easier, faster, and hassle-free. We would highly recommend one if you're on the market for a new vacuum and clean your floors regularly.

Which robot vacuum is best on a budget?

There are a number of great robot vacuums on the market, but the most budget-friendly option that we found while still being relatively effective is the Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751. It is effective at cleaning especially if you have hardwood floors and come at a fraction of the price of more high-end models.

Are self emptying robot vacuums worth it?

Self-emptying robot vacuums are definitely worth the investment! By automatically emptying the dustbin, they save you time and hassle. They're also more efficient than standard robot vacuums since they don't have to stop and start again as often to empty the bin.

Self-emptying robot vacuums are a great choice if you want to cut down on housework. They keep your home clean and tidy with minimal effort on your part. Plus, they're a great way to reduce allergens and asthma triggers in your home. So if you're looking for an easy way to keep your house clean, a self-emptying robot vacuum is definitely the way to go!

Should you run robot vacuum everyday?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. It depends on a number of factors, such as the size and layout of your home, how much dirt and debris accumulates in your home on a daily basis, and your own personal preferences.

Some people find that running their robot vacuum every day helps keep their home clean and free of dust and debris. Others find that running it every other day or once a week is more than enough, depending on how dirty their home gets. And still, others choose to only run their robot vacuum when they know they will be away from home for an extended period of time so that it can clean more thoroughly. Ultimately, it's up to you.

What is the best robot vacuum for pet hair?

There are a few robot vacuums that are specifically designed to handle pet hair. The iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) and i7 (7150) models have a special "tangle-free" brush that helps to collect pet hair without getting clogged. They also have High-Efficiency Filters that trap 99% of cat and dog dander allergens.

What is the best robot vacuum for vinyl floors?

We felt that the best robot vacuums for vinyl floors are likely the iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) and i7 (7150) models because they are extremely powerful and have special brushes that are designed to clean vinyl floors without scratching them.

What is the best robot vacuum and mop combo?

Our Favorites were the iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) and the ILIFE V80 Max because of their precise cleaning and mopping combo features.

What is the best robot vacuum for hard floors?

All of the above-listed robot vacuums do an amazing job on hardwood floors! If you regularly have large debris on your floor the Shark RV1001AE IQ did a notably great job of picking them up if you want a cleaning/mopping combo then the iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) or the ILIFE V80 Max would be a great choice. iRobot Roomba i7 (7150) does a great job of moving lightweight shoes to get under them, while the Shark ION Robot Vacuum AV751 does pretty well on hardwood floors while being budget-friendly, so the choice of what wins for your specific needs is yours!

What is the best robot vacuum for tile floors?

We would recommend the iRobot Roomba s9+ (9550) and the ILIFE V80 Max because they both have the ability to precisely clean and mop.

Best Robot Vacuum Cleaner for you?

No one likes cleaning, but we all like clean homes. A robot vacuum can help take some of the burden off of your weekly chores list. But with so many different types and models on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you and your home. That's where we come in! We've done the research and put together a guide to the best robot vacuum cleaners for every need and budget. So whether you're looking for strong suction, deep cleaning, hardwood floor compatibility, or something budget-friendly, we've got you covered. We hope that the list that we put together helped you find which robot vacuum cleaner is the real MVP when it comes to keeping your home clean!